One of the many advantages of Apple Silicon is the ability to run iPhone and iPad apps on a Mac. For baseball enthusiasts, this meant using the iPad version of the MLB app on macOS.
Unfortunately, the 2024 MLB season is off to a problematic start for Mac users.
Jason Snell of Six Colors has covered the story for the past few weeks. When the season began last month, the iPad version of the MLB app was available in the Mac App Store, but it crashed upon opening after signing in. Strike one.
Last week, MLB released an upgrade for the iPad app. At first sight, it appeared to fix macOS crashes. Nonetheless, the app was available on the Mac App Store. Strike two.
MLB appears to have addressed the issue in response to Jason’s stories and complaints from other Mac users. The solution is to remove the MLB program altogether from your Mac. Strike three.
If you search the Mac software Store for the MLB software, you will soon discover it is no longer available. Instead of addressing the crashing issue, MLB has taken the ball and gone home. Like many other developers, it has chosen to uncheck the box that allows its iPad app to function on the Mac.
The MLB app may return to the Mac App Store, but you can still watch on MLB’s website.