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Apple Explores Affordable VR Headset Option, Following Samsung’s Gear VR Model

Apple has the potential to produce a cheaper version of the headset, similar to Samsung’s Gear VR.

According to a report, Apple says we are considering a tethered iPhone or Mac suitable for this cheaper headset version.

This affordable headset requires users to slide their phones with the Samsung Gear VR headset.

Apple recently showed off the Verison Pro XR headset, which didn’t exactly set the cash registers on fire, so the company decided to go ahead with the cheaper headset so Apple could use the Samsung Gear VR with a tethered device.

According to the Power On newsletter, Bloomberg journalist Mark Gorman says that the cheaper version of the headset, codenamed N107, could cost between $1,500 and $200.

Gorman says it’s possible to cut costs by removing the eyepiece from the new headset, which he’s also struggled with, and suggests the company may be reducing the quality of the internal XR screen. Using a low-quality chipset or reducing pasteurisation would be a big move on Apple’s part.

Analysts say Apple wants to use tethered Mac iPhones or PCs to create affordable headsets.

The journalist explained that providing the processing power would allow Apple to save money on the ability to make the Pro version a single product, which is very necessary.

This is not the first time a headset relies on a smartphone; the Samsung Gear VR requires users to slide their phones into the headset,
and the smartphone provides two forces for display and processing. Based on computer processing power, the headset needs to be tethered.

Gorman says Apple has also started working on a second-generation Pro headset, codenamed N109, with a better device and an external camera.

Apple is trying to find a comfortable headset with more advanced features. Unfortunately, this second-generation headset will be available for users at the end of 2026

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