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Instagram May Add Real-Time Spotify Integration for Music Sharing

Instagram might soon make it easier to share your Spotify listening habits with friends. According to developer Alessandro Paluzzi, Instagram is testing a feature that could allow users to share their current Spotify tracks in real-time.

This new functionality would work through Instagram’s Notes—a quick, text-based update that appears above your inbox and profile.

Currently, Instagram lets users manually share 30-second song clips or tracks from its own music catalog, but this feature would automate the process.

If rolled out, users would see a note about the song they’re listening to whenever they open Instagram, and they’d have the option to stop sharing at any time.

This potential feature builds on Instagram’s recent efforts to integrate more music into its platform. It would provide a continuous stream of music updates, contrasting with the static song clips available now.

This move aligns with Instagram’s push to enhance music sharing, similar to what’s seen in other apps like Discord.

Meta and Spotify’s collaboration reflects a growing trend to integrate more seamless music experiences into social media, possibly to compete with TikTok’s music discovery features.

While the feature isn’t confirmed yet, it’s a promising development for music enthusiasts who use Instagram to stay connected with friends and their musical tastes.

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