Apple was fined €1.8 billion ($1.95 billion) today for anticompetitive behavior against competing streaming music services in the European Union, and Spotify hailed the European Commission’s decision.
Spotify has long complained about Apple’s 30% fee, claiming it is unfairly disadvantaged compared to Apple Music. In a blog post, Spotify claims that the European Commission has clearly stated that “Apple’s action limiting communications to consumers is illegal.”
It is worth mentioning that the probe’s scope in Europe has shifted multiple times. Instead, the probe focused on Apple’s anti-steering laws and a provision that prevents Spotify from notifying customers about lower costs on the web through the Spotify app.
The European Commission determined that Apple’s restrictions barring developers from informing iOS customers about alternative and cheaper music subscription services outside the app are “illegal under EU antitrust rules.”
Spotify’s blog post also states that Apple has “routinely ignored laws and court decisions in other markets” and is awaiting the following steps to “clearly and definitively address Apple’s long-standing unfair conduct.” Spotify maintains that it will continue to fight Apple until it can establish a “truly fair digital marketplace worldwide.”
Apple has been ordered to “delete the anti-steering provisions” and refrain from committing the infringement or engaging in similar actions.