According to Netflix, Netflix members who continue to pay their monthly fees using the App Store’s in-app purchase mechanism may soon be required to establish a new payment method to keep their accounts active.
Though Netflix stopped enabling people to subscribe to its streaming service on iOS devices in 2018, it has enabled existing subscribers to continue paying via in-app purchases. However, payment via Apple’s platform will cease because Netflix wishes to refrain from paying Apple a 15% cut in subscription prices.
There has not been any news on how many Netflix users continue to pay via in-app purchasing, although the option was withdrawn nearly six years ago. Since 2018, Netflix has asked users who own Apple devices to sign up for a new Netflix subscription on the Netflix website. There is no subscription choice in the Netflix app for the iPhone or iPad, which opens to a sign-in screen.
When Netflix first withdrew the option to pay through the App Store, it stated that users who paid for subscriptions using in-app purchases could continue to use that billing method until their accounts were canceled. However, Netflix needs more patience.