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Pakistan’s First Legal Advisory Chatbot, NAZ Assist, Launched by LAS

The Legal Aid Society (LAS) has launched NAZ Assist, Pakistan’s first legal advisory chatbot. This chatbot offers free legal advice in four languages: English, Urdu, Sindhi, and Pashto.

NAZ Assist is named after Justice Nasir Aslam Zahid, a former judge and the founder of LAS.

The chatbot aims to help people who need legal guidance but cannot afford a lawyer. It is based on data from 450,000 legal advice calls made since 2014.

NAZ Assist can be used by anyone, including people with disabilities, such as those who are deaf or mute.

One important feature of the bot is that users can verify the advice by contacting a lawyer for free through the Sindh Legal Advisory Call Center at 0800-70806.

The chatbot is designed to make legal assistance easy and accessible to everyone.

NAZ Assist is a great step toward closing the justice gap in Pakistan, which ranks low in global justice standards.

LAS also runs programs for women facing violence or issues with inheritance and for minorities facing forced conversion.

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