Telegram has unveiled a new feature allowing official third-party services to add extra verification icons to accounts and chats. This initiative aims to reduce scams and misinformation, enhancing trust across the platform.
While Telegram already verifies public figures and organizations, the new feature allows trusted third-party services to approve accounts. Verified accounts will display unique icons provided by these services, which will appear before their names. Users can view more details about the verification by visiting the account profile.
To offer third-party verification, services must first be approved by Telegram, and an application must be completed. This added verification aims to help users easily identify genuine contacts and services they interact with.
In addition to verification, Telegram’s update introduces new tools like message search filters, enabling users to refine searches by private chats, group chats, or channels. Another highlight is the ability to turn gifts into collectibles, which come with special attributes and can be traded or auctioned.
Telegram noted that this update, its first major rollout of 2025, was delayed due to Apple’s review process but promises more improvements to enhance user experience and security in the future.