WhatsApp is testing a handy new feature that will make replying to voice messages quicker and easier. In its latest beta update for Android (version, the app introduces a quick reply button for voice messages.
Here’s how it works: when you listen to a voice message, a new button will appear right next to it. Tapping this button lets you instantly record and send your reply without needing to swipe or select any other options. This saves time and keeps chats more organized.
Currently, this feature is available to select beta testers, but it’s expected to roll out to more users soon. If you’re eager to try it, you can join the beta program through the Google Play Store. Otherwise, you’ll need to wait for the feature to become available in a future public update.
WhatsApp is also planning to expand this feature for group chats, with a quick reply button positioned near the send message option. These updates are part of WhatsApp’s ongoing efforts to make communication smoother and more efficient.
Whether you use WhatsApp for chatting, calling, or sending voice messages, this new feature could make your conversations much faster and more convenient. Stay tuned for more updates as WhatsApp continues to improve its user experience!